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sexta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2011

My Hometown – Winners of the writing contest

Angra do Heroísmo
Fonte da Imagem

1st Prize
Angra do Heroísmo
Angra is a beautiful small town in the south of Terceira.
There are some museums and a Stadium, along with hotels and a few beaches.
There are also parks and beautiful churches.
Once a year, it is home to the AngraRock, AngraJazz and Sanjoaninas festivals.
So this is my town and I think it is a great place to live in.
Hope you come round!
Tiago Monjardino
2nd Prize
Angra do Heroísmo
Angra is a beautiful small town. It’s in the south of Terceira Island.
Angra has got an awesome view of the Ilhéu das Cabras and a beautiful quiet public garden. There are a lot of hotels and monuments. There is also a big museum and a beach.
There isn’t any type of crime, so Angra is a very safe town.
I was born in Angra and Angra is a wonderful place to live in.
Matilde Rocha
3rd Prize
My Town
Angra do Heroísmo is a small town in the south of Terceira.
There are beaches, shops, supermarkets, hotels, banks and a Stadium.
There aren’t big palaces or tall buildings.
There is also a volcano!
It’s a great place to live in.
Tiago Ventura

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